If you know my husband and my son you know that our vehicles are more than just pieces of metal to get us from one point to the next. This is not my typical post but I thought it would be fun to tell you a little about what we drive. It says a lot about who we are.

First off, this is my car...well sort of. Jordan also calls it her car since she started driving. Anyway, this is your typical Mom's car, a Ford Taurus station wagon. How much more Mom can you get than that? It was a great car for hauling the kids around when they were little, grocery shopping, taking the dogs for rides. It's a 2000 and has 150,000 miles on it. Craig did a major engine repair on it this winter. It's great having a husband that knows everything about cars and can do major work on them.

This is Craig's newest toy. It's a 93 Lincoln Mark VIII with 112.000 miles. Craig just picked this up for a fraction of what it is worth. It was not drivable when he got it but he put a whole new suspension on it and repaired a lot of small things. It is a V8 and has 285 horse power but even so it gets high 20's for mileage. It is loaded and a lot of fun to drive.

This is our beloved Jeep. It's a 83 and Craig built this almost from scratch. It would be hard for us to part with the Jeep. On hot summer evenings we love to go for rides with the top off. We've been on many camping and 4-wheelin trips with the Jeep. Caleb took it 4-wheelin at a friends house the other night and it hasn't gotten a bath yet.

This is the gas hog. We've been trying not to drive it too much with the price of gas. Actually, Jordan's been driving it to school since we only live a few block from the school. This hauls around the dune buggy and snowmobiles... and well, Craig just couldn't be without a truck. He'll be a truck guy for the rest of his life.

This is Caleb's baby. It a Ford Taurus SHO. He bought it from his Grandpa when he turned 16. It's got high mileage but Craig and Caleb know how to keep it on the road. They have replaced the transmission and other things. This photo was taken tonight and shows the guys underneath it working on the muffler. This is a typical evening at our house for them. They love working on the vehicles and love spending time together in the garage.
And then the dune buggy. This is not street legal so it really isn't one of our vehicles but rather a toy that Craig and Caleb built. Caleb is pretty proud of his buggy. We've taken it to the sand dunes twice and hope to do some more this summer.
There you have it.... our car lot.