I rarely spend money on myself but for Christmas I got a few gift certificates so I did some shopping. I probably should have bought clothes but that is the one thing that I hate shopping for.... Clothes are always too expensive and nothing ever looks good on me. I think I'm turning into my Grandmother.
Anyway, I was so excited to get these. They are made by Chicago Cutlery, which doesn't really mean anything to me but I love to cook and I don't have any decent knives and my kitchen scissors from Pampered Chef have long worn out and won't cut a piece of paper anymore let alone trim my meat. This whole set was $75 but I got it for over half off at $35. Boy, I didn't know how nice a good knife could be. I love the whole set!!!

And this was my cheesy buy. It's called "The Vidalia Chop Wizard". Yes, it's one of those "As seen on TV" gadgets. I've seen the infomercial for this a few times and I wanted one the first time I saw it. But again, I'm usually too cheap to order something off the TV and have to pay shipping charges plus without actually laying my hands on it I never really know if it's what they say it is. I saw this in a few department stores around Christmas and actually had it in my hands to buy but changed my mind at the last minute. I finally gave in and bought it at JCPenny this week. I got it for $20. And I have to say I am pretty happy with it. It's well made and so far it has chopped everything I put through it really well. I haven't tried a tomato yet.

This is my new crockpot that I bought the day after Thanksgiving for $19 (for never spending any money on myself I sure have a lot of new stuff). It's different from my other crockpots because it has latches on the side that seal the lid on for transporting. That sold me. And that's the hamburger beef barley soup that I made today. It is yummy!! I love throwing stuff in the crockpot and having it cook all day by itself. Dinner is ready when I get home. And it's nice to have stuff for the kids. Caleb is barely home for 10 minutes before he has to leave for work and Shane (Jordan's boyfriend) usually is over after school before his basketball practice.... Always hungry kids around.
I have the same crockpot and I love it. I'm still learning about all the recipes you can make with it, but I do love it. My favorite thing to cook in it is the chicken wings.
GOOD FOR YOU, if kitchen gadgets make you happy than WOOOOHOOOO!!!!
OOOOOOOOOOOOHHH....shiny kitchen stuff...I like!!!
And your meal in the crock pot looks really good.
It slices. It dices. It chops. Set it and forget it.
Also come on over. I have an award for you.
I love crockpots too!!
I want that knife so bad,its on my"want,want,want"list!!!
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