I have a new favorite book. I'd like to give credit where credit is due but I can't remember whose blog I saw this book on. Someone featured it on their blog the other day. It sounded like my kind of book.

It arrived yesterday and I love it. It was first printed in 1977 and is no longer in print but I found it on Amazon through an outside seller. There were quite a few copies to pick from so if you wanted one you could easily find it.

"The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady" was written by Edith Holden in 1909. It is the diary of a naturalist/artist. She kept this dairy for one year of all her observations of wildlife surrounding her home. It is illustrated with her amazing art work. Included are thoughts, quotes, poems..... The diary was not published until many years after her death when it was discovered on the shelf of an English country home. This book is an absolute delight.
On another note.... Jordan, my Mother and I are leaving tomorrow to spend a long weekend in Florida. We'll visit my brother and Craig's parents. We'll be visiting Busch Gardens and Sea World and I'm hoping to visit Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge too. I've got my camera all ready. Maybe I'll see some new to me birds. We'll be home Monday afternoon. See you then......