Monday, July 28, 2008
What Next??
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Hosta Challenge
Saturday, July 26, 2008
I feel awful
Friday, July 25, 2008
Oh Where, Oh Where.....
..... have my Orioles gone, oh where, oh where can they be???
I haven't seen my Orioles for 2 weeks now. What could have happened to them? Where did they go? They were here everyday for 2 months eating me out of home and jelly. They raised their families here, brought their babies to meet me. They have completely disappeared and I miss them!! If I don't see them anymore this year I hope they come back next year.
Caleb was a dinosaur fanatic when he was little. We went to all the dinosaur exhibits, museums, movies,... you name it. If it had to do with dinosaurs we went to it. Not to mention all the dinosaur books, CD's and toys that he had. At the youngest age he could tell you the name of every dinosaur, what they did and what they ate. I once took him to our local children's museum for a play/learning session on dinosaurs. When I went to pick him up the teacher told me that Caleb should have been the one teaching the class.
So this leads me to my W.O.F. item this week. Have you ever seen those artists that paint rocks to look like animal or other objects? I've seen some talented artists at art shows before that do this. We once saw someone who did dinosaurs. Anyway, my Mom tried to copy the idea and made Caleb a dinosaur one. She painted this triceratops for Caleb in 1997. Not bad for an amateur.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Thanks Dad... You're the greatest
The best part is that we put it right outside the kitchen bay window. As crazy as I am about my birds, I didn't have one feeder that I could see from inside the house. Now I can admire the birds from inside.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Silver Lake
We made it home last night... had a great time and came home totally exhausted. Craig and the kids were at the dunes everyday having a blast. I went to the dunes twice and then did other things as well. I found some really old historical barns that were filled with antiques. Both were over a hundred years old. One was a huge dairy barn and the other was small but adorable. It was so fun rummaging around them. I might do a posting of a few small things that I picked up.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
We're off to see The Wizard
OK, we're not really going to see The Wizard but we are leaving tomorrow morning and will be returning Sunday evening. We're headed to Silver Lake Sand Dunes for a week of camping and 4-wheelin. The kids have invited friends to join us and there will be about 12 of us!!
I'll be out in the dunes a lot too but I have other plans as well. Hiking, birding, photography, antiquing, reading and relaxing.
The have wireless internet at the campground that we are staying at but I'm not sure if I'll take the laptop or not. I just don't think camping and computers go together. But I'll be sure and think of you all when I'm sitting around the campfire eating a marshmallow. See you Sunday.
The have wireless internet at the campground that we are staying at but I'm not sure if I'll take the laptop or not. I just don't think camping and computers go together. But I'll be sure and think of you all when I'm sitting around the campfire eating a marshmallow. See you Sunday.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Yippee it's Saturday!!
Here I am apologizing again for missing W.O.F. It's been a crazy week. Thursday I worked a double; left for work at 7:00AM and got home after 11:00PM. Then I went back to work Friday morning and worked a 10 hour shift. I was beat and stressed. Today has been spent relaxing and doing my favorite things.
Jordan and Lu-Lu (my parents dog)
My first favorite thing was early this morning. I woke up about 4:00AM to the most wonderful thunderstorm. I LOVE thunderstorms. I laid in bed for the next few hours drifting in and out of the most peaceful sleep listening to the rain. I then got up and went out on the front porch to enjoy the rain even more. I took my i-Pod with me and listened to my new bird podcasts while it continued to pour. It steadily rained until close to noon but it was much welcomed.
Jordan and the gang
Early afternoon Jordan and I went grocery shopping for our camping trip this week. While I was in town my Dad called my cell phone to tell me that he had made me a bird feeder. A week ago or so I showed my Dad of a picture of a bird feeder that I wanted and he didn't waste any time making it for me. I'm so excited about my new feeder. It deserves it's own post after I get it put up and in service.
All the photos on my post today are from this afternoon at my parents. Jordan and I took Seadra and Zoe with us. It's so peaceful and relaxing over there. A walk around the gardens is all it takes to make the stresses of the week disappear.
Things are just beginning to ripen in the garden. We came home with summer squash and cukes. Jordan cooked the squash already... it was yummy.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Visit Whattville
My friend Cliff of "WIXY's Gone Bananas" has a new poetry blog called "Whattville is on the Other Side of the Tracks". I don't know how he puts these words together. Pay him a visit. Here's what he wrote about me in a poem recently....
Jessica is a very busy one
But she seems to have a lot of fun
She has her family, her dogs, her birds
She takes her pictures, and uses words
Thanks Cliff for keeping us entertained and putting a smile on our faces.
Jessica is a very busy one
But she seems to have a lot of fun
She has her family, her dogs, her birds
She takes her pictures, and uses words
Thanks Cliff for keeping us entertained and putting a smile on our faces.
Who loves their I-Pod?

Today I decided to give it new life again. Maybe I could find some new podcasts that would ignite a spark in me again. Bingo!! I found some birding podcasts!!.... Laura Ericson's "For the Birds", Ray Brown's "Talkin Birds", and "This Birding Life". There are podcasts for whatever your passion is. But you probably already knew that. I'm slow when it comes to this i-Pod stuff.

A few months ago my favorites list got all messed up. They were rearranged for some reason. Probably some button I clicked without knowing it. Anyway, I felt lost. I was ambitious this morning and decided to fix that frustration. I must have deleted 3/4 of my favorites that needed to be weeded out. Then I updated my blog links in the sidebar of my blog. Yea... You'll be happy to know that you are all nicely organized and easy to find now.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Weird Object (Chicken) Friday
A few years ago my Aunt Bell called me up and told me that she was bringing over a gift for me. This chicken cookie jar.
What's so weird about that? Apparently some 37 years ago my Mother made this for her. I'm not sure if you can see the inscription on the bottom but it has my Mothers initials and the date 1971 on the bottom. Aunt Bell thought that I should have it. Who would have thought that all these years later I would be decorating my kitchen in chickens and that I would be the owner of the chicken from so long ago?
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Time to hit the books

But it was not a lost cause. In this mall is a booth that sells books. It's one of my favorite booths. They don't really sell antique books, most are old out of print and some are newer hardly used books. But they are all reasonably priced and all are in great shape. I can always find a book or two that I just have to have. But today was especially fun!! Once a year for the month of July they have 50% off all their books. I was in heaven. I sat right down on the floor and made myself comfortable flipping through those books!! "Wow, this book is only $1.50, Wow, this book is only $3.00, Wow, this book is only $2.00." My pile quickly grew pretty tall. I came home with 9 books all for less than $20.00. Several of the books I got were on my wish list. It was my lucky day. Maybe I'll stop by there again tomorrow (you're not reading this, are you Craig?).
All of my books are about (you guessed it) birds, nature, hiking, photography, religion. I'm going to have some great reading when we are on our camping trip in a few weeks. Time to hit the books......
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