Hope you are enjoying your Monday as much as I am!
Monday, June 30, 2008
My kind of Monday
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I have nothing to wear...

I guess there are a number of reasons.... Like the typical Mom that I am, I am always spending money on the kids and putting myself last. I find it easier to indulge the kids than myself. But the main reason is that I can never find anything that fits comfortably, looks nice, or is in my price range. I am my own worst critic when it comes to clothes.
I might be naked if it wasn't for my Mom. She takes pity on me and will occasionally go out and buy me a new outfit and it isn't unusual for her to stop by with a new shirt she's picked up for me.
Anyway, Jordan heard my announcement and jumped at the opportunity to go into town to clothes shop. Unlike me, Jordan is a clothes horse. So off we went.
We went to TJ Maxx, one of our favorite stores. They have nice quality clothes at discount prices but you have to really dig around to find stuff. Jordan quickly found 2 swim suits that she liked. I must have tried on 50 pieces of clothing but in the end I did come out with one new summer outfit (shorts and top). That's pretty good for me. But a miracle happened. I found a bathing suit too. It actually fit and I actually liked it. I have not bought a new swim suit in 6 or 8 years!! As much as I dislike clothes shopping, I despise shopping for a swim suit.
My goal is to buy myself one new outfit for the next few weeks to try and freshen my wardrobe. We'll see how I manage to keep up that goal.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Good Bye Baby Robins & HELP!!!!!
OK, this is the 4th time I've had to re-do this post... Breath in, breath out..... Computers, aghhhh!
Craig woke me up at 7:00 this morning to tell me that the Baby Robins were flying the coop and if I wanted to say good bye to them I had better get up. Jordan took this photo yesterday of Momma feeding the babies.
When I opened the back door one of the two remaining flew off the nest into the driveway. He was hopping around and the Momma was frantically trying to lead him to safety. I decided to retreat so I didn't add more trauma to the situation. I sure hope these babies are OK the next few critical days. I read somewhere that 80% of baby birds do not live to their first year. I was shocked to read that, I would have thought that it was 50%.
This was the remaining lone baby bird. He soon flew the coop too.
When I was busy watching the birds Seadra found something on the side of the garage and was barking frantically. Had she found one of the babies? Then I remembered that Craig set the live trap. She was probably barking at one of the neighbors wild cats or a raccoon. I was wrong......
HELP!!!!! HELP!!!!!
When I was busy watching the birds Seadra found something on the side of the garage and was barking frantically. Had she found one of the babies? Then I remembered that Craig set the live trap. She was probably barking at one of the neighbors wild cats or a raccoon. I was wrong......
I called my Dad. I told him to hurry over that we had a real emergency. All he did was laugh at me.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Backyard Friends
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Choosing to accept
I worked at the Niles hospital this morning. It's quite a drive for me; takes me about 45 minutes to get there. I can complain about the drive and make myself miserable or I can choose to enjoy those precious minutes as a gift. Today I chose to accept the gift. I was only into my drive about 10 minutes when I got behind a school bus. The bus driver turned on his flashing lights so I had to stop. At first I didn't see any children around.

Way up on a hill was a farm house with a long drive. Running as fast as he could down the drive was a little boy. And right on his heals was his dog. It was a small brown and white dog. It was like a scene out of a movie but this was real life. The little dog stayed right with him until he was about 20 feet from the bus. Then the dog stopped in the middle of the drive and sat down. He watched that little boy get on the bus and didn't move until the bus was well on it's way. Then the dog meandered back toward the house. I could also see his mother standing up by the house watching to make sure he got on the bus OK. I wondered if she was enjoying the scene as much as I was. Probably more so since she was his mother.
From that point on I noticed what a beautiful blue the sky was and I knew Who to thank.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Father Son Outing
Update on Robins
Asking for prayers
On Friday I got some very tragic news. One of the doctors that I work for has a 34 year old nephew from Kentucky (Cpt. Eric Terhune) that was killed in Afghanistan last Thursday. He was serving with the Marines. You can click here to see a news clip. The family is interviewed during the news clip including Dr. Terhune. It is heartbreaking. Please pray for this family!
Friday, June 20, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
My Project & Wren Nest
Monday, June 16, 2008
Orioles are my favorite
A walk to the river
Friday, June 13, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I saw the kids off at 8:00 this morning. They are now ICHTHUS bound. For those of you that do not know what ICHTHUS is it is an annual Christan music festival in Wilmore Kentucky that has been going on for 38 years. It is one of the highlights of the year for Caleb, Jordan, cousin Allen, and the rest of the group. Eight youth and 4 wonderful chaperons are in route today.
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