Friday, May 30, 2008
Weird Object Friday
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Baby Bluebirds
We've been watching for weeks as the Momma and Daddy Bluebird tend to the nest. We've patiently been waiting to see babies peaking out the nest box. But we got impatient a few days ago. I positioned myself just so with the camera ready. Dad quickly opened the box and I got a couple of shots. Aren't they just the cutest!!! From what the picture shows there are 3, unless another one is hiding behind them. The one in the front is even starting to sprout blue feathers. I can't wait to soon see them at the mealworm feeder with their parents. 
On another note... I have a Robin nesting on my back porch. I would rather have had her nest in the beautiful robin nesting boxes that we made but she decided she liked the over hang of the porch better. But just the same I am excited she is there. Last night I reached my hand up into the nest and there were 2 eggs. This afternoon I felt in there again and now there are 3 eggs. More to follow on the robin family.....
Last day of high school...

Monday, May 26, 2008
I am listening
This is how I feel when I am out with my birds. God is talking to me and I am listening....
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Annual Plant Swap
If you are looking for me you usually can find me in a chair with the binoculars out by my bird garden. Tonight I enjoyed watching a towhee hop around.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Happy happy Friday Everyone!!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A man, his beer and his dog
Craig made a fire tonight and asked if anyone wanted to come and sit outside with him. He didn't get any takers. Tonight was the final "American Idol" and the rest of us were all glued to the TV.
But I did peak outside at one point and this is what I saw. A man, his beer and his dog. I couldn't resist grabbing the camera. I love this photo. Both Craig and Zoe have the exact same look on their face.
Craig was enjoying Zoe's company as much as he would have any human.

Zoe only got a taste.
Monday, May 19, 2008
The masked bandits
I know most people have issues with squirrels when it comes to feeding the birds. I have learned to live with the squirrels. They basically are leaving my hanging feeders alone but feast on my ground feeders. I only see them a few times a day. Sometimes I shoo them away but for the most part I have decided that they are harmless. And they certainly don't seem to be bothering the birds. They eat side by side.
Anyway, I have a bigger issue. Raccoons!! At least I'm blaming it on raccoons. They are tearing up my bird feeders. It all started some weeks ago when I discovered my hanging feeders tipped over and all the seed on the ground in the morning. OK, now I put my seed feeders into the shed about 9:00 PM and put them back out at 6:00 AM. 

This morning was the worst yet.... First off I looked out the window and one of my sugar feeders is on the ground and the others are empty with muddy paw prints all over them. My suet feeders are riped off and I find them way out back by the woods. My gourd bird house is on the ground all muddy too. I had a small wheel barrel that I had cleaned up spilled seed and empty sunflower shells that I hadn't disposed of yet. It looked like someone put a bomb in it... all over the lawn.
So now what do I do? Put away every single suet, seed and sugar water feeder every night? I guess so if I don't want to pull my hair out every morning.
It's a good thing that I enjoy going out and "doing the birds" in the morning.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Painting the House
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Jordan's track season....
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Fun with the Blue Birds
Things are going really well with Josh and Ty staying with us. Both of the boys have been a pleasure to have around. One thing that Ty and I have in common is our love for photography. Last night Ty and I were bored so we decided to drive over to my parents house for some photo ops. The Blue Birds did not disappointment us.
My Dad actually has the Blue Birds trained. It is his goal to have them eating out of his hands by the end of summer. I believe he will. He made this bell and every time he goes out with meal worms he rings the bell. Mr. and Mrs. Blue Bird immediately come flying to the feeder for the worms. They let us stand within 10 feet of them.
This is the meal worm feeder that my Dad made them. He constructed it so other birds wouldn't steal their worms.
Both the Momma and the Daddy bird get worms out of the feeder (see the worms hanging from their beaks) and then they fly over to the nesting box and take the worms into the box for the babies. Ty and I thought we could hear the baby birds chirping away. I suspect soon we will see little heads peaking out the opening.
My Dad is so proud of his Blue Birds. He told me that he's paying about $7 a week for meal worms. It's worth every penny.
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