Getting our tree was an adventure this year. We decided to get our tree from somewhere we had never been before, and it's right here in Hartford. We've seen it for years but never really knew how extensive or nice that it was. It was so awesome!! The place is called "Tall Timbers".
They ask you what kind of tree you want and then they either drive you in a bus or take you on a hayride to a particular field so you can pick out your tree.
Ta Da!!!!!
I've had several occasions lately where I found myself in an awful situation. I was in the presence of the perfect photo opportunity without a camera. That is practically a sin in my book. I have an awesome camera that I absolutely love but it is big and I don't carry it with me unless I specifically know that I will use it. So...... I went and bought a pocket camera. I bought this Kodak 8 mp, except mine is pink....it's a girl thing. I haven't had much opportunity to mess with it yet but so far I like it. You know, I think people in this day and age are so lucky to have digital photography technology. I would have given anything to have had it when the kids were young.