I wanted to do a post on 2009 in review. Going through my thousands of photos and picking out a few was nearly impossible, as was trying to decide on what events to write about. It was a great year of family memories and good times.

January/winter is my favorite time to feed the birds. The feeders are always busy and abundant with birds.

Winter continues to be Craig's favorite season. He gets to play in the snow (snowmobile) and most of all drive the groomer and maintain our local snowmobile trails.

Cardinals are around much more in the winter... or so it seems.

Unfortunately, I was only able to go on one snowmobile trip up north with Craig. We had great snow through January but none in February.

At the end of February Jordan, my Mom and myself flew to Florida for a long weekend. We visited my brother and Kay and Roger. This photo was taken at Busch Gardens in the bird exhibit, right up my alley.

Kay and Roger took us to Sea World, which we really enjoyed.

In April Caleb bought his dream car and proceeded to total it two weeks later. We were thankful that all parties were not injured. Weeks later Caleb bought another Mustang.

In May Craig found this nesting hummingbird out at the cottage. I had fun photographing her.

Also in May, one of my dreams came true. For years I've been wanting a camping trailer. We enjoyed many little getaways this year with our new camper. We are looking forward to more this year.

I had to stick this photo in here. This was a rare moment with Seadra and Craig. Rarely does Seadra let anyone hold her but me. I love my Boo-Boo.

Spring is wonderful for photographing birds. I love the nesting season and the baby birds. If I absolutely had to pick a favorite bird photo from 2009 I think this would be it. I just love Momma birds buggy eyes peaking over the nest.

In May both Caleb and Jordan attended Prom. Our kids are beautiful!

One of my happiest and saddest bird stories of 2009 was my bluebirds. For YEARS I had dreamed of attracting bluebirds to a nesting box in my yard and finally this was the year. Momma laid 5 eggs and shortly after they hatched Daddy bird disappeared. Momma bluebird tried hard to raise them on her own but sadly all the babies died.

Summer trips to Silver Lake continued. It's one of our favorite places and although I don't enjoy the dunes as much as Craig and the kids I love to go up and camp, cook the meals, and go antiquing.

In late summer the yellow finches were everywhere. When we stepped outside in the back yard it was like the trees were alive!

This was the big year for the Jeep. From the winter, spring and through the summer Craig worked on restoring his precious Jeep and in September he finally finished it. Totally new engine, new body, new interior, new wheels and tires. He's proud of his Jeep and I LOVE to go for rides out in the country with top off.

This fall we experienced something new with Jordan... cross country. What fun that was! I didn't know how much we would enjoy going to her meets and cheering her on and watching her break goals that she set for herself.

Whenever time allowed I continued to visit nature centers and sanctuaries with my camera. This continues to be a passion of mine and brings me much joy.

In November Jordan did her last duty as Drum Major for her high school career. We are very proud of Jordan for being the youngest ever drum major for Hartford, holding the position for 3 years and doing a wonderful job. We will miss the band next year.

Had to stick a fall bird photo in here. Red Breasted Nuthatches were new to my yard this year. I always get so excited when I can welcome a new feathered friend.

This past November Craig and I flew to Florida for a long anticipated vacation and went on a Cruise with Kay and Roger. We had a few days before the cruise and Roger took us on an airboat ride which is something I've always wanted to do. I can't even tell you how much I enjoyed that!

We also visited a wildlife sanctuary in Lakeland and I now have a new appreciation for wading birds. I wish I could have spent more time there!

And our cruise with Kay and Roger was amazing. We are very thankful to Kay and Roger for inviting us. Too many wonderful experiences to list.

And my year in review wouldn't be complete without including our new baby. She finally has a name... Fiona. Now I just need to survive this puppy stage!

But above nothing else family continues to mean the most to all of us. We are blessed beyond belief. I love you Craig, Caleb and Jordan and thank God everyday for each of you.