It's been an awful week. I've been sick all week but still dragged my butt to work everyday. Yesterday was the worst. I had a sinus headache that wouldn't quit. At least my headache is gone this morning and that is a huge improvement. I have too much to do today to be sick.
Today is homecoming. Craig is getting off work early to pull the freshmen float in the parade. The kids made a nice float.......with help from us parents of course. Their theme was "I Love Lucy". They decided to make a float after the episode where Lucy and Ethel are working in the chocolate factory. We are playing Watervliet tonight so they made a conveyor belt with little panthers and Lucy and Ethel are eating the panthers. Here's a picture of the kids and their float in progress. I'll get some completed pictures later today.

Jordan got a new special dress for the homecoming dance. She has about driven me nuts over this dress issue. You would think she was buying a wedding dress. But finally last night she got all the accessories, shoes, etc. straightened out. She's absolutely beautiful!!!!
Tomorrow is Jordan's first marching band competition in Otsego. It's suppose to rain and be nasty all day so I don't know how that will end up.
We got our desk top back from repair. It's working great and running so much faster BUT....... Craig was in charge of backing up all my files that I wanted to save. He did a great job but FORGOT to back up my email addresses. They are all gone!!! I have some on my laptop but a lot I don't. It will be fun trying to round them all back up.
We still have our foster dog "Ricky". He's like having a puppy around. He's got more energy than our two dogs put together. Seadra is too old and set in her ways to fly around the house and Zoe is too fat. Ricky flies around here like he has wings. I'm very grateful that he came housebroken....that has been no problem at all. Right now he's curled up next to Seadra sleeping. Not a usual occurrence, Seadra usually doesn't tolerate him that well. No bites on his adoption yet. The rescue has about 30 dogs up for adoption right now.
Time for me to go and get a few things done this morning. It's going to be a busy day.......but a fun one. I love homecoming!!