For the last few weeks we have had some major computer problems with the desk top. I won't go into details as it is a frustration just to talk about it. But on the brighter side we have someone from church that is doing a complete overhaul on it. We are having it completely erased and reloaded with only what we need and use so hopefully it will run much smoother. While our desk top is getting repaired that leaves us with only the laptop which is no big deal except I cannot post photos from the laptop. New photos to follow shortly after the desk top is repaired.
In preparation for erasing the desk top I have put all my digital photos onto CD's the last few days. My photos are much too precious for me to loose. I had the day off yesterday and was on the computer from 8:30 to 3:00 getting that all done. I learned that I do not have a comfortable desk or chair to work at that long. My back was hurting when I went to bed last night.
One of Jordan's rabbits had babies last week. We didn't have a clue it was pregnant!!! A few days before they were born Jordan came into the house and said "Boy, you should see how much hair my rabbit has pulled out!!". This is a classic sign of making a birthing nest but it never dawned on us that she was about it give birth because she has absolutely no contact with any male rabbits. So...........a few days later Jordan went out to tend to the rabbits and the babies had been born and were laying on the floor of the pen all dead. Jordan didn't even have a box in the pen. Poor things. Jordan felt terrible. I just happened to call home from work and through tears Jordan told me what she had found. Jordan felt awful.
Then the big question was: "How did the rabbit get pregnant???". The only thing we can come up with is that my niece Mandy was visiting us about the right time frame and she was outside by herself playing the rabbits. She was getting them out and putting them into a pen in the lawn and maybe she accidentally put her with a male rabbit. I called Mandy and asked her but she swears she didn't do anything like that. I think maybe she did and didn't even realize it. Oh well, that's the only thing we can come up with.
Well, we are down to the last 2 weeks of summer. It's been a good one!!! I think the kids have especially enjoyed it. Caleb has loved working at the golf course all summer. He's been really good to save almost all of his money. He did splurge and purchase a new stereo for his car this week. Jordan has been highly entertained from one activity to the next with all her friends. Hardly a day goes by that she isn't conjuring up something to do. Jordan is especially excited for school to start. She loves it for many reason. Marching season has started for her already. I'm excited about marching season and am looking forward to all the competitions. We will be traveling a lot on the weekends through October for the competitions. I'll be sure and post pictures when things get going on all that.
Hartford's first football game of the season is this Friday. There are 2 games before school even starts. We'll be there cheering them on. It will be strange without Caleb playing this year but we know he made the right decision but most important he knows he made the right decision.
Jordan and I got all her school clothes shopping done last weekend. That's a big deal to Jordan. She was thrilled with all that got and I was happy because we got some great sales. I still have to pick up a few things for Caleb. He hates to shop so he will be happy with whatever I bring home for him.
You know, I can still remember the very first year I went school clothes shopping for Caleb when he started kindergarten. I was so excited. I shopped for weeks so he would be the best dressed kid in kindergarten. He was the cutest little thing. I remembering buying him these black tennis shoes that had velcro straps so he wouldn't have to worry about tying his shoes and they wouldn't look dirty because they were black. He had this little red/white/blue lunch box.....gosh what memories. Makes me want to cry. At that time I only worked for Mom so I could be home when Caleb got out of school. Everyday Jordan and I would walk to the school and meet him when he got out of school and we would walk home together. We would talk all the way home about what he did at school that day. There wasn't a mother in all the world that was more proud than I was........and it is still that way today........
Ok, enough of the sentimental stuff.........