We had a beautiful Sunday afternoon; spent it in the most enjoyable ways. After church Craig and Caleb messed around in the garage working on their new dune buggy project. It will be a long project but something enjoyable for the two of them.
When will this thing be ready for the dunes?

Where are the birds?
I also made a new new "bird sanctuary" in the side yard this last weekend. I love feeding the birds but in the summer I put away the seed feeders and put out the nectar feeders for hummingbirds. I do this because the seed feeders make a mess in the lawn and in the summer I want the yard and gardens to look nice and tidy so I sacrifice my feathered friends in the summer (except for the hummingbirds). I decided to make my new bird sanctuary on the north side of the driveway. I don't do much gardening over there because it's hard for me get anything to grow over there. Plus we can see that area from the livingroom windows. It's only been there a few days and I have yet to see a bird on any of the feeders. I put up 3 feeders each with a different type of food and a bird bath. I have seen birds in the bath. They are loving that. I hope they discover the feeders soon.
I have the day off today. It's raining right now.....a much welcome rain as we have resorted to watering the lawn. Craig and Caleb are both at work and Jordan is in the shower getting ready to go to a friends house for the night. Soon it will be just me and the dogs home for the day.
Caleb has been working a lot this summer. Craig and I are so proud of him. He usually works the morning shift and had to be to work by 6:30 or 7:00. I was concerned that Caleb would have a hard time getting himself up and out the door on time. Much to my surprise that has been no problem. That kid gets himself up and out the door most mornings before I am even out of bed. That's my boy!! He's enjoying his job and especially enjoys spending the days with Grandpa. It's so nice for the two of them. Yesterday Caleb got home later than usual because he said that Grandpa took him out on the course to give him some pointers on his golfing. I am so grateful for the wonderful grandparents in my children's lives.
Speaking of Caleb, he made a major decision this last week. He has decided not to play football this year. He has played football for the last 8 years and this was not an easy decision for him to make. Many factors went into his decision and it was something that he put a lot of thought into. Ultimately the pros for not playing outweighed the pros of playing. He wants to continue working as much as he can this summer, spend time with his family and friends and just be free of the pressures of 2 a day practices in 90 degree heat.......... In the end Craig and I were very proud of the maturity he put into this decision, including the fact that he went and talked to his coaches face to face about this. We will continue to go to all the games just as we always have cheering on "The Hartford Indians!!!".

The Burtchett Grandkids
Last week my brother and his family came up from Florida. They were here over the 4th. I was actually able to get all the Grandkids together for a photo. Mom and Dad were the ever gracious hosts and treated us to good times and great food. Mandy, Bryce and Tyler are staying for about 3 weeks and then Mom is flying back with them at the end of the month.

My Gardening Shed/Old Tools
Mom and I came across the most fun thing last week. An elderly gentlemen from our church was having a barn sale and I came across it quite by accident. I couldn't believe all the cool stuff so I ran and picked up Mom and we spent over an hour digging through old tools, pots, old chairs.....I ended up getting a bunch of old gardening tools and hanging them on the side of my gardening shed in the back yard. I was thrilled with the outcome. But my most favorite find was a huge old metal cauldron. It looks like a big old witches cauldron. Dad is going to made me a tripod for it and then I'm going to plant flowers in it.

My newest and favorite thing in my garden this year are my orange and yellow coneflowers!!

Seadra and Zoe hoping someone will take them "Bye-Bye"

Have a wonderful week..........Blessings, The Mullauer's