What have the Mullauer's been up to? I haven't posted in a long time. October is a very busy month for us; more so than our usual busyness.

Jordan front and center
Jordan is keeping us busy with marching season, but we love it. She competes every Saturday and not close to home. This afternoon we are headed to Grand Rapids for her competition. And next Saturday is the big state competition in Detroit at the Ford Field. So far Hartford is ranked 8th in the state and the top 10 bands in each division compete at state. As long as today's competition goes well then we will be headed for Detroit next weekend.
Without football this year Caleb has been freed up to do other things that he doesn't usually get to do. He's joined jazz band and jazz choir at school which he thoroughly enjoys. He loves strumming on that guitar and we all know what a beautiful voice he has!!! He's working on a Xmas play in drama class. Also Caleb and Craig have been doing a major transmission project on his car. They have already taken the transmission out 3 times and now a 4th time is in order. It's a good thing they love working on motors and it gives them "guy" time in the garage.
The leaves are falling and the temperature is turning colder. We saw our first snow last week, even if it was just a dusting. So of course the snowmobiles are already out of storage. Caleb and Craig are getting them all tuned and waxed up in extreme anticipation!!! Craig is busy with the snowmobile club getting the trails ready. He's out right now with the club brushing the Van Buren trail. Yesterday morning I didn't have to be to work until 10:00 so Craig and took the Jeep early in the morning and went riding around on the trail to scope out any fallen trees or other work that needed to be taken care of. It was so beautiful and peaceful!! The fall colors were awesome driving around with the sun coming up. It was very enjoyable.

GoodBye Ricky
We are happy to report that we no longer have our foster dog Ricky. Many of you already know the story but as time went on Ricky began to show fear and aggressive traits; to the point of biting Jordan in the face (puncture wounds and bruising). It was obvious that the poor dog had been abused. He was very high strung and ripped a hole in my brand new rocker recliner. But at the same time he could be very affectionate and adorable. Several families had applied to adopt him but it was decided by the organization that Ricky needed a lot of time and work to help him with his issues. We didn't have the time or commitment to do this so Ricky went to another foster home in Detroit. We hope the best for him. Everyone wants to know when we are getting another foster dog. After the traumatic events we went through with Ricky I'm not in any hurry to try it again.
Tuesday is Caleb's 17th birthday and Jordan's 15th birthday. In honor of their birthday we went to Red Lobster last night. Jordan's boyfriend Shane went with is. We ate and ate until we couldn't eat anymore. Tomorrow we are having a birthday party for them with a bunch of their friends and family. Afterwards we are heading down to the Niles Haunted House for an evening of fun. We took the kids and their friends last year and it was a lot of fun.
And what have I been up to? Chasing the kids around, chasing 3 dogs around, working (I'm averaging 25 to 30 hours a week which suits me fine), attending my wonderful church, and thanking God for all the blessing in my life. Life is good!!