Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jordan... You are amazing

Jordan came home tonight exhausted and stressed.  It doesn't happen very often but the last few days have been nothing but one activity/obligation after another.  It's only 9:00 and already Jordan is up in bed for the evening.  A good nights rest will do her good.  
Here's a sample of Jordan's life.....
Last week was the end of the marking period.  She pulled off yet ANOTHER 4.0, in advanced classes I might add.  Not a day goes by that she isn't studying something.  Oboe lessons are Monday afternoon followed by symphony practices on Monday evenings.  Saturday is her state solo and ensemble judging in Holland.  Track practices are every day after school.  Yesterday she had a track meet at Grand Valley of which she returned home at 12:30 AM from.  Thursday evenings are dance classes.  Church on Sunday mornings and youth worship on Sunday evenings.  And she finds time for family, friends and a new boyfriend.  

You are amazing Jordan!  Your passion for life and your love of God is what makes my heart smile.  I love you!       


  1. What a thrill to hear of a young lady in love with the Lord.Jordan,you will go far with God as your guide.

  2. And this is a reflection of her upbringing and the example her parents have lived in front of her.
