Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bird Houses Galore

It's spring time and the birds are starting to sing.  Can you tell that I'm excited?  I'm excited for the birds to find mates and start nesting.  Craig and I put up 6 bird houses this weekend!  The above two are wren houses on a 4X4 in the middle of the back yard.  I'm not sure how functional they will be as they are more decorative than anything else but who knows, maybe some wren will take a liking to them.  I picked these two up at a craft show for $6 each.  The guy that made them was practically giving them away.  I wish I would have bought more than 2.  
And here is my attempt to attract blue birds.  As most of you know, my Dad was successful in attracting 3 broods of blue birds in his houses last year, much to my envy!  I am determined to have my OWN blue birds this year.  I placed this one out in the field behind the house where supposedly blue birds like to nest.  And below on the pole I placed a little side feeder for meal worms.  What blue bird wouldn't just love this house?  
Here's a little wren/chickadee house I put on one of the pine trees in the front yard.
And look at my hubby way up high in that tree!  
He's hanging my woodpecker house.  We hung two woodpecker houses along the tree line of the woods.  I can't wait to see what happens with all the houses this spring/summer.  Wish us luck in attracting some Momma and Daddy birds.  
Seadra was a naughty girl today and got into a fight with two big dogs that were being walked down the road by their owner.  Yes, Seadra was the instigator.  She was banned to jail for the rest of the day on the front porch.  She doesn't like being confined to the porch when I'm out in the yard.  "You can get out of jail Seadra when you learn to be a good girl."  


  1. Wow Jessica, You are READY for some birds to visit your yard... I hope you get LOTS and LOTS. I love that bluebird house---especially with the added Meal Worms... What bluebird wouldn't want to live there?????

    Keep us posted. Okay???

  2. Good luck with the bird houses.I am sure the birds will know they are most welcome.Waiting to see the pictures of all the activity.

  3. I remember those photos from last year that you posted of your father's beautiful bluebirds! Oh how I hope you get some too! Love all your birdhouses!! (P.S. Like your new blog design!)

  4. I hung my first bird here house last weekend. Your post makes me want to go out and buy more. Our cat Rikki gets put in "time out" when he gets too insistent about sticking his face in our dinner plates. We just put him in our bedroom and close the door! (It's a cushy kinda of jail)

  5. I plan on adding a house or two myself--to lure them away from the ferns that we put up on the porch.
    I already have a nest started in an empty 5 gallon bucket my husband left setting on the porch the other day. :(

  6. Wow - you should have BIRD CITY in your yard this spring and summer!

  7. Love the bird houses, especially the ones that are $6. They're beautiful, and a steal at that price!
    At least Seadra has a cute cell mate to keep her company. Or is she the warden? ;)

  8. With all those wonderful houses, I'm sure you will get lots of bird families :-)

  9. The bird houses look great. Love the ones you got at the craft show. Hope you have tenants real soon.
