Sunday, March 16, 2008

For the birds

This morning I saw 4 new varieties of birds in the yard and around my feeders; cardinals, mourning doves, blue jays and starlings. Things are coming along nicely with the birds. There have been about 4 of these little downy woodpeckers flying around this afternoon. And we have been busy all weekend finishing our bird houses/nest boxes. Craig did the sawing and assembling. I was in charge of sanding.
Here are the finished products. All except the holes in the front. Craig didn't have the right hole saw sizes so tomorrow the holes will be drilled. The far left is a robin nest box. Middle is a wren house and far right is the blue bird house. We made 2 of each.
Craig also threw this together for me. It's a suet woodpecker feeder. I saw one in the store and tried to explain it to Craig. I think he did a wonderful job on it.
And lastly I wanted to show you these. My parents were displaying in a home and garden show today with Mom's orchids and other house plants. After church I went to see them at the show and look around. There was a lady there that was selling gourd items. She grows these gourds herself and makes beautiful items with them. I bought these two. The long one is a bird house and the other has about 3 holes and is full of organic wool material. The birds pick out the wool and use it to construct their nests.
More to follow when we get the houses and feeders hung.....


  1. You're going to have a regular bird sanctuary when you're through! You are inspiring me. I think I'm going to go buy some feeders and seed. We have a store by us called Wild Bird Center- It's all feeders, houses, bird baths, and different kinds of seed. They have wonderful books and gifts too, all with a wild bird theme.

  2. We have one of those wild bird stores by us too. They have beautiful and unusual houses and feeders. My only complaint is that they are very expensive.

  3. I love the houses you made! I went today and bought (I'm crafty challenged) several feeders and such. Those gourds are gorgeous, she does a great job.

    I've lived in the metroplex my entire life and have never had woodpeckers until I bought this house. Now they're around everywhere, I got the woodpecker suet too and hope they like it.

    Can't wait to see it all hung and full of happy birds. :)


  4. What a great project! You've inspired me to prod my husband to see if we can put up some more birdhouses - maybe even tackle the project ourselves.

  5. I agree about the expensive houses- I thought I'd check out Walmart and Target for the bird houses, and get the seed from the pricey place. :)

  6. Yea, I splurged on the seed a bit too. They sure do make gourmet bird food these days. I couldn't believe all the kinds that they had.

  7. Those gourds are nice. I need to get a bird feeder
