Saturday, March 15, 2008

The birds are coming, the birds are coming!!

A few weeks back I reported about what a failure I was at attracting birds to my yard. I've been giving it my best shot and it is starting to pay off. Very slowly..... the birds are starting to come. I've had my feeders up for several weeks and just 2 days ago I saw my first bird. Woo Hoo!! And even though they are still really sparse I am happy with the variety I have seen. Just today I have seen robins, red breasted nuthatch, white breasted nuthatch, chickadee, goldfinch, house finch, and even downy woodpeckers and red bellied woodpeckers. I sat at the kitchen table today with the binoculars really enjoying the scene. I'm hoping that the few birds that are around will start spreading the word.
This little goldfinch was the only fellow that allowed me to photograph him. I'll get the rest of you little birdies, you just wait and see.

Craig helped me make our first bird house this morning too. I was really happy with it. I'll show you tomorrow what we came up with. We are getting ready to go back out into the garage to tackle a few more.

Jordan had her oboe state solo judging this afternoon. It was almost a disaster. We were already in the car on the way there and I asked her if she had the judges copy of her music. All I got was silence..... Apparently, she never got the original copy back from the district judge. This is a problem as the judges will only accept original copies of music and not photo copies. To make a long story short she was nearly disqualified. The judge was not happy and expressed his displeasure but under the circumstances he allowed Jordan to proceed. Alls well that ends well. Jordan received a 1 rating, the best you can get and proudly walked out with her division 1 metal.


  1. It took a couple weeks for the birds to find my feeder when I first put it up too. Now it is quite popular except when one of the cats is outside.

  2. Hooray for Jordan!

    And for you, for getting your birds to visit. I look forward to other pictures in the future.

  3. Yay Jordan! Way to sweet talk the judge :o).

    The birds are taking over our neighborhood. And they're all big, fat & preggers. I saw a robin this morning that was as round as a grapefruit! Bring on spring.


  4. You are inspiring me too!
