I had to work at two hospitals yesterday and when I do it involves almost 100 miles worth of driving in one day. I do not like all that driving but I will admit that I'm enjoying the scenery this time of year. The colors are not at their peak but each day the colors are more vibrant. I'm determined to get some fall photos soon.
This is my favorite time of year!! Everything about it is so perfect. The temperature is awesome, the trees are beautiful, the smell of grape vineyards, pumpkins on the porch, leaves falling.......
My hubby left this morning, but it's a short trip this time. He's in Florida for an advisory committee meeting. He'll be home Friday night, hopefully just in time to hurry over to the homecoming football game to watch Jordan perform at half time.
Time to go and get ready for work....Is it Friday yet?
I love the fall. It is my favorite season as well. The colors, the smells, the cool air.
I sometimes have to pull over when I'm driving just to take in the trees. It's just magical.
I love it too !!I love the coolness that creeps in,getting to wear warm stuff and eat hot stuff!
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