Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Graduation 2010

What an amazing weekend...... Saturday was Jordan's graduation open house and Sunday was Graduation. After months of planning and preparation it was all we hoped it would be. So many friends, family, and teachers came out to help us celebrate Jordan at her open house Saturday. I was so proud of Jordan as she made a point to go out and personally greet and thank every person who arrived. She was so gracious and appreciative.
Graduation itself was very emotion for me. I easily cry at occasions like this and this one was especially emotional. How much more proud can parents be when their daughter walks up to the podium and gives a 5 minute commencement speech to her classmates, teachers, parents, family and friends spoken from the heart? Jordan struggled for several weeks pondering what to say and how to compose her speech. Three days before graduation Jordan woke up at 3 AM and for the next 2 hours was somehow inspired to write her speech in the wee hours of the morning. I would have read her speech ahead of time had she allowed me but she refused to let anyone read it so I got to hear it for the first time along with everyone else at graduation. And actually I'm glad she did it that way. It made it much more special for me. How she finds the words and feelings to put down on paper amazes me. She is amazing. Craig recored her giving her speech and the quality of the recording turned out pretty good. I tried to post it on Facebook but it tells me that it's too big, so I need to figure out how to post it somehow for you all to watch.

Thanks to everyone who made Jordan feel special... she deserved it!


  1. Congratulations to JOrdan.I pray that her future will be all that it can be,filled with Gods' blessings.

  2. Congratulations to Jordan. I imagine this was an exciting and emotional time for you, she's your baby. About the video - did you try uploading it to youtube. I have done that with several of my videos. Have a great day!

  3. Congrats to Jordan!! I've enjoyed catching up on all of her graduation activities and seeing all the pictures. How proud you should be of the daughter you have raised!
