Saturday, October 24, 2009

You gotta try this stuff

I just recently discovered "Yes to Carrots" products..... and I am hooked! I don't usually plug products on my blog but I had to pass this one along. Jordan used the shampoo at a friends house this past summer and came home raving about it. She looked it up online and encouraged me to order some for us. I wasn't in any hurry as I am used to buying my Suave at $1.49 a bottle. Yes to Carrots shampoo and conditioner is approximately $6.50 a bottle at Target. Well, we tried it last week and I think it will be hard for me to go back to Suave. If you want to treat yourself to something really awesome buy yourself a bottle of the shampoo and conditioner. The smell is wonderful and your hair will feel so soft.

They have many other products as well, including lotions, make-up, etc. Click here to view their website. I enjoyed the hair products so much that I just ordered some hand cream to try.

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