Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

Friday was my Dad's 65th Birthday. Happy Birthday Dad!

I wanted to show you what I gave him for his birthday. Above is a photo of their dog Lu-Lu. I commissioned a painting of Lu-Lu for him. Below is the actual watercolor painting. The woman that does these pet portraits is amazing. Her name is Cynthia Snyder and she lives in Bridgeman Michigan. Her prices are VERY reasonable. If you are interested in hiring her for a portrait I can give you her information. She doesn't have a website.
My Dad loved it. I'm thinking about having her do Seadra and Zoe for me.


  1. That's amazing! Does she do it off of photographs? I guess that's a dumb question- What dog would stay still for a sitting? Not mine! Ha!

  2. I absolutely love it! It is great to be able to see the comparison with the photo. I think that the best thing about Cindy's portraits are the eyes. She just does amazing eyes, they really make the painting.

  3. Oh my gosh! I was going to say pretty as a picture- but her talent is more like real life! Wow! Nice gift!
