Monday, June 1, 2009


We took our camper trailer for a trial run this past weekend.  We learned the camper inside and out and couldn't be happier with it.  It's just the perfect little camper for us.  We are looking forward to our little travels and camping this summer.  I've spent the last 2 weeks stocking the camper so when we decide to go somewhere all we basically have to do is grab our clothes and throw some food in the camper.  What a difference from tent camping!  
We stayed at a place in Buchanan Michigan called Bear Cave Resort.  I snapped this photo of a waterfall for you Betsy.  Of course I thought of you when I saw it.  It was only about 20 feet tall but still very beautiful.  
The resort/campground is right on the St. Joe River.  Some of the sites are right on the river bank.  
This goose family was enjoying the river too. 
And last night was another beautiful dance recital for Jordan.  I can't believe that next year will be her last year already.  


  1. Thanks Jessica for thinking about me when looking at that neat waterfall. That's the kind I love. I can sit and just look at it for the longest time!!!!

    Your Jordan just gets more gorgeous everyday!!!!

    Love your camping trailer. It's just perfect for you all I'm sure.

    Have a great day.

  2. Would you believe that I have never been camping? It does look like lots of fun. Enjoy this time with Jordan. It really does go by fast.

  3. Your camping set up looks great and fun.

  4. I've camped in a tent plenty of times, with the family and with my Girl Scouts. I was in a pop-up with friends once. Never in a camper. I envy you. It looks so cozy.
    Glad you had a good time!

  5. That looks like the best way to camp - the level of comfort is about right. I'm not a big fan of tent camping, rocks under the sleeping bag, etc. Looks like fun, and love that goose family...

  6. I love your camper! It looks so cute!!! You are going to have so many fun adventures ahead of you! The waterfall photos are great - I know Betsy is going to love them!

  7. Oh what fun you guys are going to have!!
