Sunday, May 17, 2009

Great weekend.. ending too soon

The weekends always seem to fly by.  But even so... it was a great weekend.  Saturday morning I got up and ran to a yard sale that was advertising antiques.  It was a great sale.  I didn't buy any antiques (although they had some great ones) but I found some wonderful stuff for the camper trailer, among them a camera tripod for $1.  I love a good deal.  I'm keeping it in the camper to use on our travels.  Then my Mom and I went to Sarett Nature Center to a wildflower sale.  Mom bought some cinnamon stick ferns and a Jack-in-the-pulpit.  For the rest of the afternoon I spent time out in the camper cleaning, organizing and dreaming of the fun we will soon be having.  
Today after church we went out to the cottage for dinner and to celebrate Dana and Jon's birthday.  As soon as we pulled up to the cottage the first thing I said was "It feels so good to be out at the cottage!"  You don't realize how much you miss it over the winter until your first time out in the spring.  As soon as we got home I jumped on the lawn mower and mowed the yard for about an hour.  I don't know if I'm weird or not but I LOVE to mow the lawn.  It relaxes me and is soothing.  I listen to my ipod while mowing... tonight I listed to Laura Erickson's "For the Birds" podcasts.  For those of you that like birds/birding and you have an ipod I highly recommend that you download this podcast.  I download it from i-tunes (it's free too).  It's a daily 4 or 5 minute radio program all about birds.  It is so good, easy to understand, intresting....  I save up several weeks worth and then listen to them all at once.

After mowing Josh and Ty came over and we all sat around a fire in the back yard.  I miss the boys and it was so great to have them here!  It was  a great way to end the weekend. 

Hope you enjoyed your weekend as well.   


  1. It was a good weekend here, too - great weather. I am one of those weird lawn mowing fans too. I think I like how you can be fairly mindless while mowing (although I get in trouble with the weed whacker when I whack down something that's not a weed!)

  2. Sounds like you did have a great weekend, Jessica. I'm sure it was great getting to the cottage.

    Have as good a week as you did the weekend.

  3. Hi jess- I'm confused - do you have a cottage? Or did you buy a camper? Glad you had a nice weekend!

  4. I'm glad you had such a nice weekend. I mowed our grass on Sunday. I love using the riding mower.
