Sunday, May 10, 2009

Favorite photo of the day

I am in the process of trying to become a better photographer.  It's a slow progress but I am determined to learn and understand more.  One of the things I'm concentrating on is the composition of my photos, not just the subject but the backgrounds and surroundings.  This was my favorite photo from today.  I found a nesting robin in a tree beside the garage.  Granted, I've seen better photos of birds but there are a lot of things that I really like about this photo.  See the nest?  I like how the tree branches seem to be growing out of the nest.  And I like the tree trunk off to the side behind the nest.  I like the green leaves out of focus.  And Momma Robin is awesome to me.  I just love her eyeballs and beak peaking over the nest.  The only thing I do not like about this photo is the bluish/green background (the garage).  I wish there were more leaves in the background.   

I think this photo goes well with my favorite Emily Dickinson poem....

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain.
If I can ease one life the aching, 
or cool one pain,
or help one fainting Robin unto his nest again..... 
I shall not live in vain. 


  1. Great shot! But sometimes when it comes to these birds, I don't have time to think. just click!
    I got a macro lens for mother's day-I am anxious to play with that.

  2. I like the bluish/green background! It works well with the other colors in the picture and it makes the picture look very different from anyone else's.

  3. Beautiful picture to go with a beautiful poem. The bird looks so content in her house in the trees.

  4. That is certainly a lovely photo.I don't even mind the bluish backgroud,it is very soft.

  5. I think it is a wonderful photo! I love the perspective of looking up and you can see the detail of the nest!

  6. I agree with your comments, including the out of focus leaves to the side that add to the whole thing.

  7. Hi Jessica, I love your photo... It doesn't need more leaves --which would only make it too busy... What you have is GREAT.

    Glad to be home!!!

  8. Great shot of the Robin. Sometimes we have to settle for not the greatest backgrounds. Had you not pointed it out that you didn't like it I don't think the rest of us would have given it second thought. I have to say I liked the poem and it made so much more sense to me once I realized that the last word in the first line was breaking and not beating. I am tired and should go to bed. But my alone time comes more in the evening when the boys have gone to bed. Anyway I'll be headed to bed here soon. Keep up the work on learning your camera, remember photography always has a learning curve even for the seasoned pro (not that I am there yet by any means).
