Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yesterday was a sad day

I wasn't home from work very long yesterday when the phone rang.  It was Craig.  "Don't be alarmed, Caleb is OK, but he's been in a car accident".  WHAT!!!???  After Craig assured me again that Caleb was OK he proceeded to tell me that Caleb ran a red light and hit another car on his way home from school.  Then my next question....  "Is everyone in the other car OK?".  Yes, they were fine too.  After the initial shock wore off then my heart was breaking for Caleb.  Not his new car.... his dream car that he's had less than 2 weeks!  This kid is almost 20 years old, never been in trouble a day in his life, never a speeding ticket, never an accident. How could this happen?  
The photo is decieving.... looks repairable, huh?  After hauling it to the body shop today it's been determined that they are totaling the car.  $8,000 worth of damage and the car is worth about $6,500.  

I keep telling myself... It's only a car and what's most important is that Caleb or no one else was hurt.  These are the most scary times of being a parent.  


  1. Somehow my mouse in the car story pales in comparison to your story. Glad everyone is Ok, especially your precious son. You are so right- these are the scary times in a mother's life.

  2. Oh I'm so sorry, Jeeica. I know you are happy that Caleb wasn't hurt---but it is still hard when such a good kid loses his new vehicle that he was so proud of. Bless his heart. I'm so sorry!


  3. I can feel your heartache.Try to remember that a car is replacable,people are not.

  4. I'm glad Caleb and the other people are okay! I think that's my biggest worry for my stepson is when he starts driving. I think a mom will always worry.

  5. Sorry to hear about that - seems like I was just drooling over the car picture. But of course the most really important thing is that Caleb is ok. You can get another car, like Ruth said. Reminds me of a similar day involving our son and what was a nice Oldsmobile station wagon. But he, also, was ok, so I guess you count your blessings..

  6. So sorry to hear this. I once hit another car after they had run a red light. That sinking feeling inside knowing that you hit another car is awful no matter whose at fault - it is simply the fact that you hit another car. Hopefully Caleb can find another car soon. Prayers are with you all. Glad that everyone was okay.

  7. Oh so sorry!!!!!!!! and Oh so glad it wasn't worse.

  8. I am so sorry for Caleb!! But, of course, so grateful everyone is fine. Big hugs to Caleb, and you!
