Thursday, January 15, 2009

Northern Flicker

I was outside feeding the birds this morning when this beauty caught my eye.
At first I thought it was a Red Bellied but I soon realized it was a Flicker!!  And I just happened to have my camera around my neck.  What luck.  Check out the heart on the back of her head.  Isn't she beautiful?  I was snapping away a good 50 feet from her but then I got greedy and wanted some close ups.  I figured she would fly away but much to my amazement she let me get within 10 feet of her.  For a good 10 minutes she just let me have an amazing photo shoot with her.  
After I came in the house I looked up Flickers on the web and determined that she was a female because she doesn't have a black mustache like the males have.  I saw a Flicker twice this past summer but they were far away in the back yard on the ground where I couldn't get a photo of them.    
I'm so happy she stopped by.  She just made my morning!  


  1. Those pictures are just proof that one should always have a camera near.Lovely.

  2. Nice pictures of the Flicker, Jessica. I looked and saw that you didn't check out my woodpecker blog yesterday. Check it out if you have time; there are a couple of pictures of the Northern Flicker on it.


  3. I haven't seen a flicker before. You tooks some great pictures there.

  4. Always good to see the beauty of God's kingdom against such a backdrop.

  5. That little heart design on her head is cute.

  6. So many beautiful photos of the Flicker!!

  7. She knew she was beautiful and ought to be in pictures. :-)

  8. I've seen flickers along the road going into my neighborhood. I figured out what they were by the black bib in front. But they've always been head-on views. I've never seen the read heart! Thanks for those great shots!

  9. How amazing that she let you get so close! I love the red heart on the head! Terrific that you had your camera with you....I don't usually take mine out when I fill the feeders..may have to rethink that after seeing these!
