Monday, December 22, 2008

Recommended to my birding friends

I don't usually plug products on my blog but I had to pass this one along to my birding friends.  If you have an ipod touch or an iphone or plan on getting one in the future this is a must for you!  Apple sends me recommendations on applications that I can purchase and download onto my ipod.  Most of the time I ignore them but this one caught my eye.  It's called ibird explorer.  It's an interactive bird identification, kind of like an electronic bird field guide.  I am in love with this.  You can purchase the backyard bird version for $5.00 that has about 150 common backyard birds or you can purchase the version with all of the North American birds for $20.00.  I purchased the backyard version and now I am hungry for the larger version. 

Anyway, you can listen to the bird songs, look at artist drawings and view real photographs, read facts, identify, check ranges and so much more.  Isn't technology wonderful?     


  1. Love this! I'll have to check it out.

    I just want to say your blog layout makes me smile everytime I look. :)


  2. I would love that, but I don't own an ipod yet. Someday...

  3. Drats - I have a blackberry! But what a cool thing to have!

  4. Very cool. Our son in law who plays guitar has a guitar chord identifier (among other games and things) on his iPod. Pretty soon we will all need iPods just to get by...

  5. Just stumbled on your website. I dig your post. Have you checked out the Peterson Field Guide for the iPhone? Its another hand-held field guide (so also super convenient), but it also has bird quizzes and the ability to store your checklist. Plus it's Peterson, a trusted name amongst all birders. It uses text and pics from the new Peterson Guide (which you should also recommend to your birding friends). I like the App and think it is a good use of Technology and the Peterson Guide to US backyard birds is a fraction of the price - pretty sweet
