Saturday, December 27, 2008

Let it rain, Let it rain, let is rain...

So much for the beautiful snow we've gotten over the last few weeks.  It's going to reach 60 degrees today and it's pouring rain.  Seadra and Zoe looked like drowned rats after then ran outside this morning.  I stood on the porch and snapped a few photos this morning.  It's really foggy and you can barely see the neighbors house.  
Yesterday the driveway looked like a skating rink.  Today it looks like a swimming pool. I laid in bed last night listening to big chunks of ice slid off the roof.  Seadra and Zoe went into barking hysterics each time it happened.    
Much of our area is under a flood watch.  We are pretty lucky because we've never had any problems with water getting into the basement.  But we did get a phone call from the church this morning.  Evidently the roof is leaking pretty back over the fellowship hall and they were looking for help shoveling snow off the roof.  Craig and Caleb are heading over there to help.  


  1. Bye Bye Snow... Jessica, thanks for commenting on my blogs. I publish one every morning. SO-we can keep checking each other's blogs out!!!! NEAT!!!

    It's foggy here too and drizzly. The birds really eat when it's rainy. Of course, they really eat all of the time! ha

    Have a wonderful day.

  2. All our snow is gone and my outdoor thermometer reads 60. I'm looking forward to taking a long walk this afternoon. I'm sure the snow will be back soon!

  3. Awwww...the rain isn't nearly as pretty as the snow. I hope you'll continue to have a dry basement and that Craig and the others can keep the fellowship hall from having too much damage.

  4. Wow, that's alot of rain. Bet the puppies don't like it coming into their flat little noses, do they? Mine come in and scoot their noses along the rug, trying to get it out. Do yours do that too?

  5. Oh slush! Looks like the snowmobile riding has come to an end. :(

  6. WOW! Your place looked like our place today...fog and rain, rain, rain! I hope you have a wonderful Holiday season with your family and friends!

  7. Yuck - rain is just NOT APPROPRIATE! But what are you gonna do?

  8. Wasn't that crazy last weekend??
