Monday, December 1, 2008

Brian's Birds

I'm calling these Brian's Birds because I took these photos on Thanksgiving Day when we were at my in-laws for dinner.  My brother-in-law Brian enjoys feeding the birds like I do.  
He happened to have a bunch of white breasted nuthatches fluttering around that day.
They are one of my favorite birds... OK, so like I have 20 favorite birds!
But I do love the way they can hop around trees upside down.  


  1. In the last photo he looks so cute and inquisitive!!

  2. Beautiful pictures. It just amazes me the way they just cling to the trees.

  3. How cute that little bird is. And his coloring is beautiful. Nice pictures.

  4. Your amazing bird close ups inspire me. There is a zoom lens available for my camera, and I'm going to order it so I can improve my bird photos.

  5. Beautiful pics, and I learned something new about Brian!
