Thursday, November 20, 2008

Royal Copley

I thought that I would show you how my Royal Copley collection has grown (click photo to enlarge for better detail), and my new shelf to display them.  I had to buy a bigger shelf unit... imagine that.  I've managed to get some really neat pieces.  All but one I've gotten off of ebay.  I see them in the antique stores but they are much more expensive there than I can get them off of ebay for.  It's been a lot of fun!  

On another note... I heard from Craig today.  He's having a great time and was really excited about the race starting tomorrow.  He's safe and secure and he told me I have no reason to worry about him being there.  I'm glad he having a good time. 


  1. These really are very pretty. I love the hummer.
    Do you think your husband will notice the growth since he has been gone? :)

  2. You have such a beautiful collection and I love how you have it displayed!

  3. That is so pretty. Someday I'm going to have to give ebay a try.

  4. Glad to hear all is ok down south.
    Nice collection and nicely displayed!

  5. It must be the night for displaying collections. I have one of my own on my blog. But I can't put it up on a shelf like yours. My family would have me commited, I think.

  6. Those are lovely! ...and a very nice display
