Sunday, November 23, 2008

I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet

I'm a little early this year.  Usually I wait until Thanksgiving weekend to put out the Christmas decorations but I decided today was the day.  I put out everything except the tree.  I'm waiting for Craig to get home to do the tree because we always go and get a live tree together.  That will be next weekend.  These photos show my newest decorations this year.  My sister-in-law Amy gave this canoeing snowman family to me for my birthday this year.  It's us! The Mullauer snowman family! Isn't it the cutest.  I love it.    
And Jordan and I picked up these yesterday at T.J. Maxx.  T.J.'s is one of our favorite stores.

Happy decorating!!!   


  1. You're putting me in the spirit! I'll be putting mine out next weekend, also.

  2. I LOVE the snowmen canoe. It's adorable.

    I noticed two houses with Christmas lights tonight while we were driving home from supper. It's almost time to light up ours. They are up, but they aren't plugged in yet. DH needs to run the heavy duty power cord up through the rafters in the garage. I'm too short to do that part.

  3. Your canoe family is wonderful! I pulled out my xmas decorations too...

  4. Adorable canoe family! Perfect for you.
    Happy decorating!

  5. I haven't even started yet. I guess I had better get busy.
