Saturday, November 8, 2008

Christmas Card Exchange

I've been thinking about organizing this for a few weeks and I've decided to give it a try. Come on and join me... it will be fun!!

Last year Seadra and Zoe participated in the "Dog's with Blog's" Christmas card exchange. They literally got over 100 cards from all over the world. Unfortunately Seadra and Zoe have not kept up with their blog and will not be participating in the card exchange this year. I know, shame on me!!
Anyway, I thought it would be fun for us blogging friends to have our own Christmas card exchange. Of course our exchange will be on a much smaller scale but that won't take away from the fun of it.

I know some bloggers like to keep their identity and where they live private and I totally respect that. If some of you choose not to participate for that reason I understand. If some of you think you might like to participate but are still a little leery for those reasons I have seen some people use a P.O. box or a place of business address. Remember... this is totally optional.

If you would like to participate please email me your snail mail address along with the link to your blog. I will not be publicly posting the addresses and names. I will send you all an email with all the names/addresses and blog links. I'll keep sign up open through Thanksgiving.

The only rule is that you must send a Christmas card to everyone on the list. How fun it would be get a card from Cliff with one of his poems in it, or a card from Margaret with frogs and knitting needles on it, and Jen and Shelley can send log cabin cards, Pigeon might show us her gardens, Ben might take us on one of his road trips and Laura might show us her two adorable kids all dressed up for Christmas.

Even if you are only a sometimes visitor or someone who rarely comments we would love to have you join us. Who wants to join me? In my side bar is a link with my email address where you can send me your info.


  1. Jess - I love this idea!! I will be participating - I will email you w/ the address I have.
    I was also thinking of another idea w/ I'll have to share w/ you...

  2. I'm in! I will email you with my address.

  3. I'm in even though I've been a horribly neglectful blogger lately!

    I'll email you.

