Monday, September 1, 2008

Only 13,000 more to go.....

I am a photography nut. It is not unusual for me to go outside and take 200 photos in a matter of minutes. Out of the 200 photos I typically have 10 that I really like. Of course my intention is to delete all but the 10 but in all reality this rarely happens. And so I have racked up some 15,000 photos on the computer.
And as precious as my photos are to me I will admit that none of my photos are backed up. About a year ago I lost 6 months worth of my photos when a new hard drive was installed in the computer. You would have thought that I would have learned my lesson but here I am a year later with no back ups still. So I finally decided to do something about it. I purchased an external hard drive.
Now for the hard part.... I have decided to weed through all my photos before copying them to the external hard drive. What a job! I've weeded out 2,000 photos so far and I still have 13,000 more photos to go through.......
What do you do to back up your photos?


  1. Yes I have been eavesblogging on your sight for a while now. I think I may have left a comment or two. But I completely understand the whole back up files predictament. My computer broke well the power supply pin broke out so I had no way to power up the laptop. So after sending in the computer to be fixed, I now have a new computer and had the tech guys retrieve the info and so here I am a year or so later and still have no back up. I have plans to buy an external DVD burner here soon but I understand the ordeal of your situation. I still have all my pics on the memory cards though so I guess I do still have them backed up as well.

    Oh and thanks for the tip on the Sarett Nature Center. I went the other day while I was visiting family in St. Joe the other day. I got some gorgeous butterfly pictures.

  2. I don't back up my photos either.

    I have about 20 photos on my computer. Once I've blogged them, they get deleted.

    I know, I'm probably in the minority with that. LOL

  3. I'm sorry, did you ask me something? I was distracted by those adorable photos of the girls!!

    I keep some of my more precious or interesting photos on flickr. My husband does all the back-up stuff.

  4. I just bought an external hard drive myself as well as some cd's to burn and organize the photos. It's going to be a long process - if you find an easier way - let me know! Good luck!
    (Your dogs are too cute!)

  5. My son Ben calls his external back up "The electric brain" It has served him well for over four years now. I think it's a good idea, and something I should have too.

  6. I love the digital age. I take lots too but not as many as you!
    We look for good deals $ on the cards and as of right now save pictures on there for safe keeping and some are on CD's.

  7. Funny you should mention this - I just got around to copying all our picture files onto a 400 gig external hard drive I got some time ago. Also put a bunch of music on there. Music and pictures were taking up way too much room (although I left the pictures on the computer, too - good to have them in two places).

  8. I have two external hard drives. One is my regular drive for all photos, they go straight to that drive so I don't bog down my computer speed. The second external hard drive is the back up, all the same photos, but it gets disconnected so if a bug ever attacked it would be safe. (And that is what I planned to do... the second drive is dreadfully behind!)

    And I just hit 10,000 photos on this camera... not sure how many are in the computer from the previous camera... and I, too, need to do a lot of weeding!
