Sunday, August 24, 2008

Morning in all it's glory

I love to go outside each morning to see what the morning glories are offering. I have four varieties this year, compliments of my Mom. She grows them from seeds early spring and then pots them up and brings them over to me. This one is pale and delicate but beautiful.
I especially like this one. I don't think I've had one like this before. I love the blue streaks.
And this one is my favorite! It's as big as my hand and the color is so unique.


  1. I love that blue one so pretty. Hey an you email me at I changed my blog so want to give you the new address

  2. I like them all, but especially that blue one. They must give you a smile each morning.
    I have the wild type that has crept in here and there in my yard. definitely not as impressive as yours.

  3. Pretty pretty pretty!
    I'll go blue too.

  4. I have never grown morning glories. They are beautiful.

  5. All beautiful - but the blue is my fave!
