Saturday, August 2, 2008

Just the girls and I

It's a lazy Saturday and just the "girls" and I are at home. Craig and Caleb are at the races and Jordan is at a friends. The "girls" and I did a few things outside but the neighbor is having a yard sale and the "girls" keep wandering over there to be the greeters. I've had to shoo them back home 3 times so we decided to come into the house and be lazy. You can see from the photos that the "girls" are enjoying their lazy time. Plus it's hot today and we are enjoying the air conditioning as well.
I should be doing laundry but my new washer and dryer are suppose to be delivered Monday so I'm holding off until then. We've been babying along our washer for some weeks now knowing that it was on it's last leg but then the dryer decided to die last week so that was the determining factor in buying a new washer and dryer. One of the largest manufactures and employers in our area is Whirlpool. The world headquarters is located right in Benton Harbor and most everyone knows someone who works there, including us, so we are able to get the employee discount on our set. We got the "Duet" front loaders. Supposedly I can wash 16 pairs of jeans in one load. I never thought that I'd be looking so forward to laundry. I'll let you know how I like them.

Hope your enjoying the weekend!!


  1. I'm envious of your new washer and dryer! I guess that makes me an official adult. ;)

  2. I'm home with my girls, too! Husband at Football Hall of Fame in OH for an induction of Redskins, and the kids have various plans. I have been a knitting fool today.
    I am envious of your washer and dryer! Lucky you.

  3. I once had a front loader. Then I moved and couldn't take it. My parents have it now. I miss that washer. sob sob. The girls are as cute as ever. Peanut says he wishes they would blog

  4. Your dogs look so cute and relaxed! Can't wait to hear about how you like your washer & dryer - we need to buy them soon for our log cabin. It's getting a little tiring dragging the laundry back & forth from our house to up north!

  5. Enjoy your new washer and dryer. I have front end loaders and I really like them.

  6. We got the Whirpool Cabrio set last year. I wish I got the front loader now, since I am short.
