Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hummer Happenings

The Hummers seem to have exploded in my yard the last few weeks.
I have 3 Hummingbird feeders in the back yard and I have to fill them every other day. I'm not complaining... I love it!
Today I pulled up a chair and sat within a foot of one of the feeders. The Hummers just buzzed all around me, not the least bit disturbed by my presence.
They are amazing little birds!


  1. Amazing pictures! I can almost hear the hummmmmm...

  2. They are much prettier than my hummingbird moth!

  3. Cute birds, but I thought when I saw "Hummer Happenings" that you were going to post some pictures of some really ugly, expensive SUV's.

  4. Ours are going crazy too. I think they are getting ready to head south soon. :(
    I can't get a decent picture of them tho. Yours are great!

  5. You got some really nice action photos of them!
