Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday to my Dad! Today my Dad is 64. We spent the evening celebrating at our favorite Mexican restaurant and then relaxing in my parents gardens.
This is the birthday gift that we gave Dad. As some of you might know from my blog this was the year of the bluebirds for my Dad. Throughout the summer I was able to get some beautiful photos of his bluebirds so I printed out some of my favorites and put them in a collage for him. I also found this bluebird figurine at an antique barn when we were at Silver Lake a few weeks ago. He was very happy with his "bluebird" gift.
After dinner we went back to my parents house and raided the gardens.
Craig got eggs from the chicken coop. He loves to make chocolate chip cookies with fresh eggs.
And look what Mom and Dad have been growing for me, actually for my birds. I've been bringing these beautiful big sunflowers home and hanging them to dry in the shed. This fall/winter when they are dried out my birds are going to love them!!
Nothing pleases my parents more than being able to share. It is a labor of love.
These were all the goodies that we came home with.
Happy Birthday Dad...


  1. I have never before seen sunflowers that big or had gotten the conncetion between the seeds I love to eat and the flower. Your parents have an amazing garden!

  2. What a great birthday gift for your dad w/ the photos and figurine- so meaningful! I love what you're going to do w/ the sunflowers! (I expect pictures of this being put to use this winter!

  3. Love that sunflower. You look like you have a nice family. And what a beautiful evening to be out in the garden.
    Happy Birthday to your Dad!

    I'm hoping to get the prize out to you soon. I'll let you know when I get them in the mail.

  4. Those are some MASSIVE sunflowers! You must have gazillions of seeds from those things!

  5. Good time, good food. Did you get any of the green tomatoes to fry? Mrs74 loves fried green tomatoes. I will have to get some to fry for her as she recovers from her surgery.

    Happy birthday Jessica's dad!

  6. Happy B-day to your dad. Looks like a fun day.
    Hope Craig got the REAL eggs this time for his cookie making. HA!
    I remember the story you told me.
