Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Battling the Bees

OK, so all summer I've been battling the critters when it comes to my bird feeders. I've been quite successful in the war with the squirrels, raccoons, ground hogs, skunks, the neighbors wild cats.... But this is a new one. I'm not sure I'm going to win this battle.


  1. That is hilarious! Are you sure they aren't stuck?!

    The hummingbirds must be up in their nests saying, "They've gotta take a break some time.."

    Bella went for her annual check-up tonight, and has to go on a diet :(
    That should be fun...

  2. I am laughing - they really have themselves dug into your hummingbird feeder!

  3. We've always had more luck with yellow jackets than with hummingbirds. At least you've shown that you do get good hummingbird activity too, when the bees lay off the sauce.

  4. I've noticed that wasps are more agressive in late summer and early fall. Be careful! I got stung by one that landed on top of my head. I tried to brush it away and it stung me on the finger.

  5. I went to fill the bird feeder yesterday and there were wasps in it!
