Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thanks Dad... You're the greatest

I've been admiring a bird feeder at the "Wild Birds Unlimited" store but the $75 price tag kept me only admiring. I showed my Dad a picture of it and before I knew it he threw this together for me. I love it!! Thanks Dad!!
It's a fly thru feeder that I've been wanting for some time. You can't really tell but it's a good 2 feet wide. Craig helped me put it up in service last night. I bought the "mega" squirrel baffle that is suppose to be big enough to keep even raccoons off of it. I saw muddy paw prints in the pole and the bottom of the baffle this morning so I think it worked. Time will tell.
I attached a few little side feeders to it as well. This is an old fashioned ladle that I picked up at an antique store and painted it black. I put whole peanuts in it. The peanuts were gone when I got home from work so something has been eating them. I could hardly go to work today because I wanted to stay home and watch the birds find it. I have yet to see a bird on it. I'm sure I will soon....

The best part is that we put it right outside the kitchen bay window. As crazy as I am about my birds, I didn't have one feeder that I could see from inside the house. Now I can admire the birds from inside.


  1. I love that. Lucky you, your Dad is very talented!

  2. Makes sense to have one by the house; we like watching out the kitchen window. Sometimes I think they are pretty interested in looking IN the kitchen window at US.

  3. Your dad needs to make those and sell them. :)

  4. Wow. Great craftmanship. It is like a big food court at the mall. I missed almost everything that visited my feeder this past winter. But I was able to put up feeders at work. That was distracting at times, but I saw lots of visitors.

  5. What a great feeder and a great dad you have!! Can't wait to see the birds that are able to photgraph on this. I've always wanted a fly thru feeder too.

  6. I've never heard of a fly thru feeder before. What a great idea. Your dad does nice work. I should tell my dad about your baffle. when I was young, my dad was so annoyed with squirrels that he would grease the pole of the feeder and watch them slide down. They were pretty smart and found another route through the trees.

  7. Very nice! You need golden arches on that fly thru!

  8. Your dad may be talented but your birds are lucky. Great creation.
