Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bird Bath

I set up the birdbath about a week ago and the birds are loving me for it. I love watching the little finches take their delicate drinks. This Robin had just finished taking a bath.
Id like to set up some type of fountain or running water. Supposedly that will attract even more birds.


  1. These were great pictures of the Robin - bird baths are so much fun to watch who visits.

  2. Gorgeous pics...I don't remember if you said but what kind of camera do you use?


  3. I like it in the heat of summer when they get in there and really splash around. That should be a great photo opp!

  4. My local wild bird center sells these little whirly-gig things that spin around and make little ripples on the water surface. I think they attract birds, and they also keep the mosquito larva out.
