Friday, March 7, 2008

Weird Object Friday

Here is my weird object Friday. This too came from my friend at church that was having the barn sale of really old stuff. My parents ended up with it because they can use it for what it was intended. The first photo is the end of it. It is a sturdy metal with a long wooden handle.
This is my Dad holding it up so you can see how long it is. I would guess it is 6 feet long.
This is a demonstration of how you would use it. What is it????
This photo should give you a clue.
It's a chicken catcher!! You use the hook to grab the chicken around the leg. It works too.


  1. Ahh, more proof that chickens are dumb. You are now going to have naked college girls(covered) protesting your blog. PETA-People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals- will not stand for it. However, the other PETA-People for the Eating of Tasty Animals- will love it.

  2. I would have never guessed that one right. Good one.

  3. Oh Dear Lord......that is hysterical!
    Even I, 'd a never guessed!

  4. Can I use it to grab one chubby little pug before she eats something she's not supposed to? :o)

  5. We seem to have a theme going this Friday (at least two of us)...
