Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New Members of Our Family

So Jordan and I pulled a fast one. A few weeks ago we were shopping at Meijer's and as usual we wandered over to the pet department to look at treats and toys for Seadra and Zoe. For some unknown reason we were drawn to these rodents. They are "dwarf hamsters". I had never heard of a dwarf hamster and we immediately fell in love with them. So started our scheming..... We didn't think that Craig would be so thrilled with our idea to have some rodents in the house so we decided to surprise him!!
For the last few weeks we have gradually picked up what we needed to make their home. We bought books about their care and learned all about them. We've been on the Internet looking at breeders. And so on.....
Last night was "the" night. We told Craig that we were running into town because we were getting him a big surprise (notice how we told him the surprise was for him). Back home with our new furry friends we quick ran upstairs and introduced them to their new home. Now it was time to bring them downstairs and introduce them to Craig. First thing Craig says...."What is that!!!". But let me tell you, it worked like a charm. Within 1 minute Craig was liking them.
We are thrilled with them and you can see from the photos that Seadra and Zoe are fascinated with them. Surprisingly they are very active. I thought they would mostly snuggle under the bedding and hide but they are running all over the place and you would think they were training for a marathon with they way they run in that wheel.


  1. That last picture of Zoe looking is hysterical! They are cute. What are their names? Will they blog like Girl Girl??? LOL Have fun with them. At around 32 I decided on getting a hamster...Princess was her name and I really enjoyed her believe it or not!

  2. The pups are so cute !!!!
    Girl Girl has friends now !!!

  3. Oh my those little things are so cute. The girls watching them is cute also. I want another turtle but am pretty sure Justen would kill me if he comes home to another pet.

  4. Very sneaky of you!! But they are cute. Kingsley LOVES to stare at the birds - wagging his tail - when we're in the petstore. I'm almost considering getting one. Almost... Shhhhhhh...

  5. That last pic is a riot!! I've only had a hamster once (Tinkerbell) and it's funny how much you fall in love with them. :)

    Yes, inquiring minds want to know if they'll be blogging too.

  6. I adore the last picture of the pups!

    I too have never heard of a dwarf hamster, don't think we have 'em here in the UK.

    Will be interested to read more of their progress.

    Love and light, Jeannie x

  7. They are really cute but I'd be petrified about what my Dogs would do to them!

