Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Walk in the Woods

I grabbed my camera and went for a walk in the woods today all by myself. These are the woods behind the cottage. It's not huge but there is a great walking path down the middle of it. And the best photo ops. I was feeling creative so here is what I came up with....... Beautiful path.I took this looking up at the tree tops.
I found this hollow tree. I was hoping to find something living in it, like an owl or something but I think that's mainly in the cartoons.
These woods are right next to a cornfield so all over I found evidence of little creatures having had dinner.
I loved the roots of this tree. Reminded me of an enchanted forest.
These mushroom were popping up in the middle of the path. After I took the picture I stomped on them; not sure why I did that.
Here's my attempt at a self portrait. I put the camera on a tree limb and jumped in front of the camera. Even though I was all alone I still felt like a fool doing this.


  1. Thats a wonderful stroll.....though be careful of poison ivy!
    Its always fun to stomp mushrooms !!

  2. Sometimes its nice to take walk on your own to think about stuff.

    ha ha ha, everytime time I take a picture my husband laughs at me, so I can understand how you fe;t
