Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Shane's Soccer Game

As many sports and activities that our kids have been involved in soccer was never one of them. But thanks to Shane we get to experience it. For those of you that don't know who Shane is he's Jordan's boyfriend. These photos are from tonight's game.
This photo was snapped right after their team scored. Check out the smile on his face.
I love Shane's gold shoes.
This isn't a good shot of Shane but I thought it was cool the way they were in the air.
This was my favorite photo...the head butt shot.


  1. Excellent pictures! I'm so terrible at action shots...probably because I don't really know how to work my camera properly.

    The only thing I ever take pics of are the Dogs :o(.


  2. Love the action shots, he looks pretty good.


  3. WOW!Those are great pictures.I bet your daughter wants all the copies !
