Saturday, May 26, 2007


Well, my gardening plans have been put on hold, at least for a few hours. It's been pouring rain for the last 3 hours. I've been up since 6:00 just laying in bed listening to the rain for an hour before getting out of bed. As much as I love the rain I feel terrible for Craig, Caleb and the rest of the car show crew at Lanes today. This is the highlight of their year. Caleb has been anticipating this for months and months. I keep thinking about them. It's only 8:30 and it does seem to be easing up a bit so maybe the car show will still go on.

I grabbed an umbrella and took the dogs out. Being the wimp that Seadra is she stood on the back porch deciding if it was worth running out into the rain to pee. Finally she darted out and took a 2 second pee and was right back on the porch. My poor neurotic Seadra. Zoe, on the other hand, was happy to run all over as long as I was outside with her.

Now I'm sitting outside on the front porch swing wrapped in a blanket with Seadra and Zoe. Jordan is still in bed. It's so peaceful out here.

I'm letting Jordan sleep in today. At least until 10:00. She puts so much pressure on herself to do well in all that she does that she needs a day like today. It isn't pretty when Jordan gets overwhelmed. School is almost over and so are a lot of her activities. Track and oboe lessons finished last week, and this is the last week of dance......then starts the summer activities. As usual, Jordan has big plans for the summer. The day after school gets out she and Caleb are leaving for Kentucky for Ichthus, a Christan music festival. They will be gone for 5 days. Then Jordan is home for a week and leaves for Disney World for a week with her friend Lindsey and Lindsey's grandparents. Then it's "Drum Major"camp (if Jordan gets the position, we will know next week).....not sure on the details for that yet. Then regular band camp after that. I told Jordan that I hope to get to see her sometime this summer. Oh, the life of a teenager.

Jordan's oboe recital

Caleb has plans of a different sort. He's already been working quite a bit. He loves his job at the golf course and once school is out will start to pick up even more hours. And then there is the Dune Buggy. The Dune Buggy made it's debut yesterday at the car show cruise-in. Josh and Caleb were just beaming driving it in the parade. Caleb has his sights set on Silver Lake Sand Dunes this do all the rest of us.

Dad and Jordan testing the Dune Buggy

Blessings to all..........

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