Thursday, April 19, 2007

Jordan's Track Meet

We went to Jordan's track meet yesterday afternoon. I think I'm really going to get into this track thing. When Coach first put Jordan on hurdles she was not happy. But I must say I'm really proud of her. She has grown more comfortable with them by the day and is doing really well on them. She placed 2nd in both her hurdle events. Way to go Jordan!!! She's also doing long jump and 400 relay. Track is off to a good start.

I'm frustrated with my digital camera. I just can't seem to get decent pictures of action shots. And trying to get a clear shot when I zoom is impossible. I have a lot of other complaints and issues with it too. I am dreaming of a new digital camera but I don't know what type and features to look for. I'm going to try and educate myself a little today and go to some camera shops and look around. As much as I love photography I think I deserve to have decent equipment....... I'm just trying to justify a new camera. It's working.

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