Sunday, April 22, 2007

The birds are chirping.....

I'm doing one of my favorite things right now...... sitting on the front porch. A cool breeze is blowing, the birds are chirping, and I'm admiring the yard work that we all did today. Jordan is out here with me but she is engrossed in her homework with her Ipod stuck in her ears so she isn't into conversing with me right now.

It was a nice weekend but very busy. I am feeling a bit on the tired side tonight. Not a good sign since tomorrow is Monday.

Saturday was Jordan's track meet. We were at the meet from 9:30 to 3:00. I put sunscreen on my face but neglected my arms and now I am paying for it. I'm 41 years old and should know better. Anyway....back to the track meet. Jordan qualified for all her events and went on the place second in the 110 meter hurdles (I might add that there were 10 schools there!!!). I love watching her do the hurdles. Her team also placed second in the 1600 meter relay. Jordan proudly came home with 2 metals.

Not only did I have an awesome time watching Jordan in the meet but I got to play with my new camera all day. I got some of the most incredible shots. The telephoto lens in unbelievable. The following pictures are some that I took Saturday. The hurdle photos were taken with me in the stands some distance away. I cannot believe how sharp the action pictures are. I was very pleased!!!

Jordan 110 meter hurdles

Jordan 1600 meter relay

Shane 110 meter hurdles

Jordan long jump

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