Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Seadra & The Nookie

Nookies are a big thing in our house. They usually are on my grocery list. Seadra goes through one every few weeks and they seem to be everywhere in our house. Poor thing, after all these years I haven't quite figured out her attraction to them. Best I can tell they are like her security blanket. I have seen her go into a panic if she cannot find one, jumping on and off the bed and running up and down the stairs over and over until she can find one. She will spend hours and hours everyday sucking on her nookies. She paws on them as if she is a nursing puppy. We noticed this right away when we first brought her home when she was 6 weeks old. I thought it was a puppy thing that she would outgrow, but she is going on 8 and she is not about to give up the habit.

We have learned to love her even with her nookie obsession; bug eyes and all.

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