Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Life Was Dull

Once in a while Craig and I will have the conversation that many of us have from time to time...."What unnecessary luxuries can we cut back on?". And it always turns out the same way. None of us are willing to give up our unnecessary toys.

Lets take cell phones. None of us had cell phones growing up or even for most of our adult life. I would say cell phones have only been prevalent in the last 10 years. I'm not one to have long conversations on my cell phone; in fact we never even use up all our allotted minutes in a month. But on the other hand I will be half way to work and remember that I left my cell phone at home and go into a little panic that I don't have that security blanket. Ok, I can't live without my cell phone.

Then there is satellite television with all of those 200 channels. Growing up we had 4 channels; the 3 main networks and if you were lucky one other channel. When we have the conversation to cut back on the number of channels we have there is simply just no agreeing as to how we can cut back. We all have different likes and dislikes and each package offers more so we simply have to have the biggest package of channels. How else can it be?

And of course there is the computer. We have to have DSL; I couldn't possibly go back to dial up and the dinosaur age.

Life must have been dull for me growing up.

One summer my parents decided that 4 channels was too much tv for my brother and I so they decided to cut the end of the plugs off the tv's and that became the summer of no tv for us. We survived. Instead we swam in the pond, caught frogs and turtles, harassed the farm animals, played with Saskia's puppies, learned to drive in the orchards, rode our bikes for miles, hung out with Mike and Danny.........

Truth is I wouldn't trade all those memories for the best cell phones, satellite tv, or computers in the world.

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