Sunday, February 25, 2007

There's a bomb in the road!!!

I was just thinking today about funny things my kids have done and said when they were younger. As much as I love this stage in their lives I miss the younger years just the same. One of my all time favorite funny Caleb stories is when he was about 5 or 6 years old. We were driving along one day when we happened to come upon an accident that had just happened. Being the first on the scene I figured I should stop. It was some teenage girls that had pulled out in front of someone. No one was seriously hurt but the girls had some facial lacerations. I instructed Caleb to stay in the car while I went to help them. When the police arrived they put out flares and laid one next to my car. It was not in my view but Caleb could see it. Next thing I knew Caleb was hanging out the car screaming "There's a bomb in the road. There's a bomb in the road!!!!". I had no idea what he was talking about and instructed him to get back into the car and be quiet. He was terrified and when I wouldn't listen to him he tried to tell others standing around. Finally I figured out what he was all traumatized about. At the time Caleb didn't think this was funny at all. He truly believed that a bomb was about to go off.

Caleb was my little one that worried and was sensitive about things that other kids never paid attention to. As the young man that he is today this is a wonderful trait. I continue to be amazed and proud of the insight and thoughtfulness that Caleb possesses.

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