Thursday, November 16, 2006

"God's Beauty"

"Nature is the art of God" .....dante

As I was driving home from work yesterday I found myself feeling envious of all the hunters that were out in the woods. Everywhere I looked I saw pick-up trucks parked beside the woods. I was not wishing that I had a gun in my hands waiting for that majestic buck to appear but wishing that I was out there witnessing all of "God's Beauty" to be seen in those woods. Something was calling me but at the same time I was glad to be going home into the safety of my home away from the flying bullets. My prayer yesterday was for the safety of all those men out there in the woods and that they may truly appreciate "God's Beauty" while they are there.
"Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array"
Genesis 2:1

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